Saturday, November 12, 2011

My dog just ate about four pieces of my Almond Roca. Is he going to be Ok?

He's about 30 lbs/mixed breed|||It is actually a myth that chocolate is "bad" for dogs. Too much can like cause digestive upset, but one piece once in a lifetime or even once in awhile is not going to kill a dog or have him rushed to a vet for a stomach pumping or anything!

I have had dogs and cats both that have had chocolate in harmless quantities and have lived fine healthy long lives.

It is not something that should be a normal part of their diet (just as they have always said table scraps is wrong, but my dogs lived well into their teenage years having table scraps), but an incident once or twice normally is not going to hurt them.|||Chocolate is extremely bad for dogs, I suggest you let a vet know immediately and discuss it with them. If you discover a change in his behaviour i suggest you get him to the vet immediately if not right away anyway!|||Nuts are a particular no-no for any dog. I am not sure what Almond roca is but I do suggets that you keep an eye on him for signs of vomitting or diarhoea, if he has nay of the above symptons, withhold all food for 4 hours and then start him back on dry biscuits. If he does worsen, contact your vets. Small quantities of bad food won't kill your pet, I think he will be fine.|||What is Almond Roca? As far as I know almonds are not dangerous to dogs. (Mine eat pecans) but if there is chocolate in it then that is not good. 4 pieces is probably not enough to hurt him too bad if he is 30lbs but he might have loose bowels or throw up. Hopefully is is not dark chocolate.|||My dog ate a whole box of sees candy once from valentines day that someone left in her reach. so i freaked out and rushed her to the vet and they had to pump her stomach. she is alive and well today, that was 4 years ago. But one of the signs of chocolate poisoning for her was shaking. she was uncontrollably shaking the whole ride to the vet. Also , the darker the chocolate, the worse it is for them. But all chocolate is bad regardless. It never hurts to play it safe and call your vet if you are worried. better safe than sorry....

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