Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Would you vote for Zack De La Roca if he ran for president?

(the vocalist from rage against the machine)|||he sold out?!?! his band members didnt agree on things politically. he is the last guy u have to worry about getting an ego. but i wouldnt. hes an extremist. you need someone with a level head that would see both sides like bush lol j/k f that loser too. i would vote for him over bush any day. hell id vote for martha stewart over bush!|||Well, I think that he wouldnt run for president, even though he sold out for the sake of being famous and left his band high and dry. Big government is the machine, isnt it????Theone that he was raging against????|||I don't know. I don't know his stance on the issues, so I can't say if I would or would not vote for him.

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