Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I have a purple roca wear purse that i got from Christmas?

what color outfit would match with that purse (instead of purple) thank you ! for answer|||you can try tea pink shade,silver,golden brown,gold shade outfit that goes in contras with purple|||I think olive green and purple look really good together.|||white and maybe black also gold and silver oo silver yea i am good|||Yellow and purple look so pretty together. Jeans with a yellow top, or a yellow and purple top with a jeans skirt, or a yellow valour suit.|||if u had a picture of it that may be able to help more with this. if u have a cute white top with maybe a shirt with strips layered under the white top. the shirt could maybe have a purple stripe or even a lighter kind of purple striped. or yo can just have a hot pair of shoes to bring the purse into play with exaggerated costume jewelry|||black, white, maybe a burgundy color...

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