Saturday, November 19, 2011

How do I change a WC seat?

Hi, I have a ROCA DAMA WC. I need to tighten the seat but I can't see any way to access the fixings. Anyone have a clue how to do this?

Thanks|||I am not familiar with the name you cited but these things are fairly standard with the new types having a screw head at the top covered by a plastic fitting. The bottom pieces are normally wing nuts so get a hold of one wing with a locking wrench and tighten from the top with a screwdriver.|||Some seat have covers over the fixings, try prizing or sliding where the fixing should be.|||HERE'S YOUR ANSWER:

Wow... I am in the U.S. and the terminology is a little odd. But the plumbing and the, em, er, attendant body parts are the same so here goes...

Take a hack saw blade and insert it between the porcelain and the plastic cap. Don't bother trying to un-screw... they never come off easily. Usuallythe bolts are plastic and are easily cut through. Brass will be a bit tougher but persistance is rewarded. Once done the new seat goes on in farily obvious manner and the bolts are tightened from above. Newer seats often have large nuts to go below which manage to get wedged against the toilet bowl itself and will hold themselves in place as you tighten. Then just tap the snap-in covers in place over the bolt heads. Good luck! (Or, cheerio or whatever it is you folks say!)

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