Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Does your dog eat "Kitty Roca"?

mine does|||No, he doesn't, and I have two cats (and litter pans). This is the only dog I ever had that didn't go for kitty roca. I don't know the secret since I adopted him from someone who got him from someone who got him from a shelter. I do know that there are ways to make the litter pans inaccessible to dogs but you didn't ask about that.|||Never heard of it until now, so no.

......Why?|||I don't know what Kitty Roca is but I have a little dog who will eat pretty much what I eat. She will eat cat food, fruit, vegetables, yogurt, and other things. It amazes me that she will bananas. She is not a picky eater. She eats dog food but would rather eat what I eat if I let her.|||nope,she'd never get cat food

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