Saturday, November 19, 2011

What is up with these expensive name brands?

I wouldn't mind maybe buying babyphat roca wear sometimes but house of dereon prices were like way out my range.I am 17 working at arbys part time do you think I can afford that.I will stick with my walmart or target clothes most of the time.I dont care if its name brand or not if its cute to me I like it.People talk about name brand clothes make you look cool, ont really because people gone look at your outfit if its cute anyway.|||Think about it this way. You are 17 working part time at low skill place. It is expected that you can not afford much. It is expected most of the luxury goods are way out of your price range. If it is all that is required to get all the best of breed goods, there will be no insentive to work harder.

Many (not most or all) luxury and high priced items have qualities that people in the segment prefers. It may not be the longest lasting item, but it may be the latest design. It may not be the item itself but the after care you get from companies. Yes, some of them are high priced for the sake of being expensive... but many are not. Luxury goods industries are as competitive as budget goods industries.

You buy what you can afford. Do the best with what you can afford. There is no need to buy things you can't afford. As your income rise, your expectation will chagne too.|||I usually pay a lot for my clothes and wear high end brands such as Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Dior, BCBG, etc... so I'm not surprised by high prices of some of these brands. However, I was shocked how over priced House of Dereon's clothing were. It was ridiculous!

Just because it's Beyonce's mom she thinks she's Donatello Versace or something? Their dresses even looked trashy and cheap and the only one that was not so ugly was $700!! I think people would be out of their mind to pay so much for garbage like that...

When I was your age about 10 years ago I also went with what looked good on me. When you work in Arbys you should spend you money wisely. I don't know where you live but if you can find outlets stores near you, you can find stores such as bebe and BCBG for much less than you'd pay in retail stores.

Also, in major holidays go to Macy's and you can find great sales on trendy clothes.

Good luck.|||You know I used to buy at expensive designer I buy what I like and usually in stores like Walmarts. You can look just as good if not better in clothes that cost $40 than the next girl wearing %26amp;200. It isn't necessarily the cost of the is the confidence and they way your express yourself. Wear what you can afford, and if you love what you wear, it will look smashing on you no matter the cost.|||people wear name brands because it means they can afford it. i like coach and dior.|||you basically answered your own question. they are expensive that is the point. but if you really are a slave to fashion then i would recommend you to splurge a whole paycheck on an item from the house of dereon. however, if price is what concerns you then i would suggest not to do it. there are alternatives to nice clothes without the heartbreaking price. try wet or express worldbrand or even the gap those kind of stores are always influenced by high fashion and sometimes they look better than those that are more expensive|||Don't bash them just because you can't afford them.

Excuse you? What's immature is you getting all flustered just because someone elses opinion differs from yours.

And sorry, but you've given me no reason to "hate on you".

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