Saturday, November 19, 2011

What is the big deal about designer clothes anyway?

You know Roca Wear, Baby Phat, etc. I don't see where they look much better than anything else. I mean, I can buy less expensive clothing and look better than someone with designer clothes.|||Designer clothes tend to be more durable than regular clothes. However, any clothes that you take good care of will last for a long time any way. Sometimes, people feel that if they have a label on, they will be held in a higher esteem than others. Sometimes people use labels to represent status. You are right about buying less expensive stuff and making it look great. I do it all the time. I look at runwawy shows and fashion mags to see what the trends are, then I make them my own for a whole lot less.|||That crap is not designer clothing! full stop.

The word "designer" literally means that it was designed, as in by a specific fashion designer. For instance, Jil Sander, Karl Lagerfield, Vera Wang, Ermenegildo Zegna, etc. Even design houses that are no longer associated with a single specific designer, such as Prada, Dolce %26amp; Gabanna, Gucci, would certainly qualify.

Some people would say that designer clothing is too expensive, but it is definitely extremely high quality. Rather like a luxury car鈥攏ice to have if you can afford it.

However, Baby Phat and Roca Wear are no more designer clothing than Wendy's and McDonald's are gourmet food.|||It's called "designer clothing" because it's designed to get stupid people to pay more money for it than it's really worth and to make the designer wealthy. You don't need it. If you need somebody's name splashed across your assets to feel like you are somebody, your problems go deeper than your clothing...|||I agree with you completely. I used to know a girl who would go out %26amp; spend $180 on one pair of jeans %26amp; then complain that she couldn't pay her cell phone bill. What the heck?? Doesn't make any sense to me, personally, but I think most people just buy it because it's a status thing. If you buy some expensive clothes %26amp; people see you wearing the expensive clothes, then they will think you are rich. I think it's ridiculous. Who cares what other people think? It shouldn't matter what labels are on your clothes as long as you look %26amp; feel good wearing them.|||I agree...We live in a materialistic society where brand name is what makes the person. I wish that every person on here who asks what brand name clothes will make them popular will understand that it's the person who makes the clothes not the clothes themselves.|||u r absolutely rite girl, not all designer clothes will make u looks nice.|||Roca Wear and Baby Phat isn't designer... more like ghetto. Sorry, I had to say it.|||its a status symbol|||Totally agree with you!!!!

Besides..Some of Baby Phat clothes looks like crap......

Or maybe its just not my style.....

Besides you right...I shop only in Ross and Tj Max and i never boght anything over 50 bucks(exluding winter stuff)...all my summer clothes are 20 bucks and less...i dont see point of spending half of my calary for clothes that i will throw away at the end of the season........|||Amen, Though sometimes it is in the quality, I have had a Guess shirt fo r6 years and no signs of wear even though I wear it all the time (It was on sale for $5). But I love $5 Garage shirts more! Who cares if it falls apart at that price?|||They actually look worse than other clothes. They have the name and logo plastered all about them. I don't see the big deal either. Just a celebrity name behind them making money off people who buy into it.

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