Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Would you vote for Zack De La Roca if he ran for president?

(the vocalist from rage against the machine)|||he sold out?!?! his band members didnt agree on things politically. he is the last guy u have to worry about getting an ego. but i wouldnt. hes an extremist. you need someone with a level head that would see both sides like bush lol j/k f that loser too. i would vote for him over bush any day. hell id vote for martha stewart over bush!|||Well, I think that he wouldnt run for president, even though he sold out for the sake of being famous and left his band high and dry. Big government is the machine, isnt it????Theone that he was raging against????|||I don't know. I don't know his stance on the issues, so I can't say if I would or would not vote for him.

Who is better G Unit or Roca Fella, 50 Cent or Jay Z?????

50 but ts still a dog show|||what about e) none of the above?|||they all suck. SUC baby!!!!!!!!|||J all day|||Roca Fella as a whole package, but 50 is a better rapper.|||jay-z and roca fella.......they/he make more money.|||jay z =)|||roca and J! i love G unit, but jay built his **** from scratch and made it to the top and is still at the top. 50 didn't work as hard to get where he his.|||Roca Fella

I can't stand people who get paid to do nothing that makes sense. i would like someone to show me the wisdom in that.|||id say Jay z

never heard of roca fella

dont like g unit 2 well

and i can't stand 50 cent!

SO GO JAY Z!!|||when you come up with good names then ask a question|||Roca Fella is betta but 50 is betta than Jay-Z cuz Jay-Z always sound like he cryin when he rap|||Jay w/o doubt thats the only reason why 50 has shined with J out the game.The Roc would knock anyone from g down..

Does anyone know any good priced websites that hav baby phat....roca wear....south pole....ect....?????

besidez macys jcpenny....ebay....craigsz list...ect......help me out plz|||http://www.buytrendybrands.com/

Is Young Money the new Roca-Fella?????

Lil Wayne- Jay-z

Drake- Kanye West

Nicki Minaj- Foxy Brown

Kid-Kid- Beanie Segal

Etc...........|||You can't just say "etc" because you ran out of names to match up with Roc-A-Fella's roster...|||Did you really just compare Lil Wayne to Jay-Z?

Jay-Z has A Clothing Line. Lil Wayne has tattoos on his face.

Jay-Z is one of the most respected artists in this game. Lil Wayne is the bridge troll at the front gate.

Drake isn't even signed to Young Money. he is an affiliate.|||I agree with the guy who posted above me.

If anything its a low rate, cheaper version. You forgot Memphis Bleek, Freeway, Young Gunz (Chris and Neef) for the ROC. The ROC has a much better and deeper roster...|||NooOOooooo!!!!!!! They are def. not strong enough!!!!!! Im a Young Money Fan, but i don't think that's going 2 happen. Esp. Drake %26amp; Nicki Minaj.|||if yu mean roc a fella in the sense that they do each other than yeah and u forgot birdman is beyonce because he is married to wayne fuckinnnng fagggs hahahah fire|||Of course they are...

Not.|||The Roc isn't a fad, not a big fan of their artists but they're def better than Young Money.|||Lil Wayne and Jay-Z are close to equal

Kanye West is A Legend Drake is a newbie


Whats Zach de la Roca of Rage Agaist the Machine and former 10,000 Maniac Natalie Merchant doing now?

a couple weeks ago i happened upon a web site bout a new record zach put out with some dj, and as would be expect its an anti bush activist type of thing. if u google his name u should find it. as a side note, rage against the machine kicks ***.

Why Do You Think Rappers Don't Shout Out the Years in Their Songs Anymore?

Like on "Feelin' It" by Jay-Z: "9 6 and forever, Roc-a-block Roca-fella" for example

BQ: Do you think those smalls things in a rap song make it that much more memorable?

BQ2: Favorite album that has shoutouts and such like that?|||I would assume it's because Hip-Hop has been popular for a much longer time now, and has progressed much further, therefore there is less likely for there to be a "landmark" year in the genre's progression nowadays, regardless of the quality and quantity of Hip-Hop music released on that particular year.

BQ: Yeah. I like hearing enthusiasm in music.

BQ2: Criminal Minded has a few shoutouts like that at the end of, and during some of the songs, and that's a great album; it would be hard for me to think of an album that does that consistently, however.|||I have no solid reference for my claim but likely that sh*t was just a "trend" which became popular because more and more Rappers were doing it in their records. For one reason or another it was forgotten and discarded much like any other facet of Hip-Hop that is culturally dispensable...or not. :/

BQ: I agree.

BQ2: Can't say. I'll think more about this.|||It's because most people forget music past the year it's made anyway. So there is no need for a shout out.

BQ: Yeah, sort of.

BQ2: Stankonia. 1-9-9-9!!!!!|||Because people would hear a song for the first time and like it until they heard a shoutout for like 2008. At which point they would never listen to it again because it's "old"|||Yeah I kinda noitced that, I've only heard like 2 or 3 shoutouts for 2011. I don't why that is.

BQ: When they shout out the year it doesn't really make a difference to me.|||idk why

BQ: Kind of.

BQ2: Ready to Die and Illmatic(id remember if it had year shout outs but i remember rapper shout outs)|||not sure, maybe its because their music is enjoyed typically long past the year its released.

BQ: sorta, a few artist still do it but not that many

BQ2; not sure..|||Have No Idea...Last One I Can Remember Is Omarion Hoodie Ha....

BQ: It Does Add To It...But Don't Really Bother Me...

BQ2: Can't Think Of Any...|||the answer that Nasty Kilenem made.|||It's gay and unless they are appealingvto alzheimers patients it is unneccesary.|||i dont really know, but i miss that.

BQ: Yes definatly|||I couldnt tell you, but I like shoutout's

BQ: yeah|||kanye does

Where to shop in Baltimore for men?

I am 23 year old, I have a very chill style. I like sean john, roca wear, enyce, polo, lacoste, the new miami ink shirts, just a whole mix of things, I guess you will say urban style meets the preppy kids. What clothing shops are available in B-more and DC for me to shop at or are there any flea markets around. Thanks|||I like Army surplus clothing so I shop at The Old Navy Store.